Environment Concerns

Ensuring Environment and Climate literacy…

Saving the Environment from the rising Population and pollution and passing it on to the next generation is an important task. As part of our objectives and commitment to mother nature, we are working with organizations that are involved in activities that work to preserve nature and save trees.


  • Environment Education

Help2Educate Foundation conducts Environment education not just as a particular viewpoint or action. Rather, to weigh the issue through critical thinking and enhance problem-solving and decision-making skills. Our Education program is carried out in Schools and Colleges and makes students aware of the importance of understanding nature.


  • Plantation Drive

Increased urbanization and agriculture activities are making fertile lands barren and deforestation is a usual sight in rural and urban parts of India. There are financial constraints to plant trees across the barren areas. So, we conduct afforestation drives with the support of farmers and local forest departments to carry out tree plantation activities.


  • Environment Awareness

There is an opportunity to create awareness of the Environment among the people so that they understand the importance of the environment around us. We educate communities on the ways to preserve the environment around them and ensure they teach their children on the need of the hour i.e Climate change and be aware of the role one can play in Environment protection.


  • Campaign for trees

Urbanization is the biggest threat to the survival of trees. No matter the age of the trees, they always fell for the infrastructure activities. We campaign against these activities that try to fell trees along their way. We peacefully protest against projects that intend to do more environmental harm than good. We advocate the need to preserve the Environment and thus contain pollution.